Charlie Kirk on YouTube – The Scam of College

My comment on his video:

I get what Charlie is saying and believe he’s correct to a degree (no pun intended) and maybe my point is based on a time when indoctrination of the idiotic Woke culture didn’t exist but college use to have a meaning. Take for example what Charlie brought up about having to take classes you hate and have no interest in: This has value in and of itself, it shows that, in your job, of you’re facing something you hate and have no interest in, you’ll stick it out and follow through. And further, at a later point in your life you may encounter a task or job that requires this knowledge or/and your interests may change and you’ll be grateful you learned this information. Both of these circumstances happened to me and I’ll never consider attending Cleveland State University and Cuyahoga Community College a waste of time or money. I hated English and it was the hardest class for me to get an A in, being in Electrical Engineering, but it’s been a Godsend that i took it!

As i originally stated, college is totally different now, especially with the Democratic Woke indoctrination and ideology and i almost always agree with and like Charlie, but they’re are positives to colleges, it just may have diminished below its worth and cost!

Published by Glenn T. Kitchen

A firm believer and follower of GOD, a Computer Professional since 1981. Societal Solutions Engineer. .NET developer, C++, C#, JAVA, VB.NET... Love music, play guitar, sing The outdoors is me. Sports; NFL, MBA, Motocross, X Games

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